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It's a Dogs Life!
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Issue 14 - Vet visit...
Scrambles the Cairn Terrier writes for All Things Local

Life through the eyes of Scrambles, a Belper-based Cairn Terrier. Scrambles is the latest (and most unusual) columnist in All Things Local!

Well what a time we’ve had since our last article. Talk about a dog’s life. We have both had to go to the vets, and our Mum has said she’s not going to feed us anymore because we’ve given the vet all our money!

What is all this money stuff anyway? We don’t have to worry about such things. Our main concern is when are we going for a walk, keeping our Mum off our side of the bed, when are we going for a walk, when are we going to be fed (bit worried now about this one), when are we going for a walk, are there any treats about, when are we going for a walk, can Schubert come over for a play and when are we going for a walk.

These humans do dash about and worry about things and get themselves all worked up don’t they. Anyway I digress – our visits to the vets… I was out on one of our walks and running through the grass and rolling about in it because it had been so hot, and the grass in the morning was lovely and cool to roll in. Suddenly, I had a bit of a pain in my ear and had to stop running and rolling and just stand with my head to one side (I looked a bit undignified, but it hurt). My Mum came rushing over, picked me up and had a look but couldn’t see anything. I trotted along a little further - which was a tad difficult when trying to walk on my ear.

I had to stop again, at which point Mum picked me up and carried me - but I saw another dog and wasn’t going to look like a right “wuss” so I made her put me down. I bravely staggered home, leapt into my basket and didn’t want to move. Even when Mum had her breakfast I didn’t go and scrounge any, which is when Mum decided there was something wrong.

Anyway we went down to the nice vet and I had to be sedated while they went fishing about in my ear. They found a 2" long seed pod which had gone down my ear pointed end first. Mum says she is going to frame it and put it on the wall because it’s got to be the most expensive seed pod on the planet.

Then Chaos has been in for her big “op”; you know the one. She looked very sorry for herself when she came out and had this big lampshade on her head. Mum carried her in and put her in her basket and I sat at the side of her basket to make sure she was ok and nobody hurt her. I know I try to eat her occasionally but I really do love her.

I had to go and get our Mum a couple of times because Chaos whimpered and Mum was in another room, but between Mum and me we’ve nursed her back to good health. She went to sleep curled up really close to our Mum and I lay near her as well so she knew she was safe and sound.

She’s now bouncing around again but still can’t go for long walks, and has to keep the lampshade on for a couple more days.

Anyway, we might be out there begging for food according to our Mum, so any food donations will be gratefully accepted. We are particularly fond of chicken, steak; love sausages, and of course appreciate an unending supply of treats!

Scrambles xx

Don’t forget to email me on if your human will let you use the computer.

Village edition - all things local
Belper Edition - All Things Local

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Anne K, Kilburn

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