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It's a Dogs Life!
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Issue 10 - Chaos reigns...
Scrambles the Cairn Terrier writes for All Things Local

Life through the eyes of Scrambles, a Belper-based Cairn Terrier. Scrambles is the latest (and most unusual) columnist in All Things Local!

Well it is Christmas – not exactly sure what it’s all about and I find it a bit peculiar that we suddenly have a tree in our front room. I imagine it is very confusing for the male of our species for obvious reasons.

However what is really good is that we get extra treats, a nice juicy marrow bone under the tree (well it’s in the fridge actually but we don’t care). People milling about so we get lots of fuss and attention which is no bad thing.

I thought I would say Merry Christmas to all of my doggie friends.

Jasmine and Leah who are our oldest friends – we don’t see them very often but we love to have a bit of a wander with them and a run.

To Schubert, one of our bestus friends who lives across the road. Schubert has a crush on Chaos and often comes for a visit. Morgan and Thorne next door who we love to pieces and we often have a natter with through the fence.

Shadow who lives next door but one but not permanently – his grandparents have him when his Dad is away. Jasper and Marley who live down the road and love to play chase the ball. Rupert, who is a big softie and wishes Chaos would sit still for five seconds so he could sit on her. Ellie who is great fun and like Schubert had a bit of a rough year because they had to have “the op.”

Jess, who was our very very first friend and lives across the road. Hugo and Remus, new dogs on the block this year and terrific fun. Pip, a very lively terrier much like ourselves. Jock and Douglas who we love to bits and even share our treats with. Sampson (with a P), a bouncy and loveable pup. Penny, the old lady of the pack - she does her level best to ignore us but we all love her anyway. Leo, the old gentlemen of the dog walking fraternity.

Scuff and Jess who, like ourselves, are beautiful Cairn Terriers and therefore the best looking, best tempered, best behaved, most fantastic dogs ever to walk the earth.

Poppy and Otto are also amongst our best friends especially now Otto has stopped trying to use us as a trampoline. Oakie that can’t come off his lead so we can’t chase him even though we do try.

Barclay and Hettie who we love to chase and chase and chase – they have another dog in their family but I can’t remember the new ones name so Merry Christmas to that one as well.

Greetings to Mona as well who is really beautiful. Our Mum has a soft spot for Mona and says if she ever needed somewhere to stay she could come and stay with us (so long as she knows I’m the boss).

A really, really Merry Christmas to Diesel who is the very new kid on the block. Diesel hasn’t met many of us yet because his Mum has to take him to the vets a couple more times to make sure he doesn’t get poorly because he’s only a few weeks old.

Also to Izzy, Rosie, Gracie, Sophia and Annie, who are undoubtedly the most varied group of doggies who all live together in Belper and who are all lovely and friendly and love their walks. Libby who has, like myself, acquire a sibling this year, an absolutely gorgeous little brother called Dillon and also to Bonnie and Duke.

I am sure I will have forgotten somebody but a Merry Christmas to all my four legged friends and our two legged Mums and Dads. We love you lots even if we do sometimes do things wrong and get into trouble. All we really want for Christmas is walkies each day, food and to have a nice lap to lie on and a cuddle.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and would all our humans please remember that we like turkey too!!!!

Scrambles xx

Email Scrambles at

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Belper Edition - All Things Local

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