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Sam's Column
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Issue 2 - Global Warming!
sam gregory - sam's column
Sam Gregory (15) lives in Kilburn and is about to begin year 11 at John Flamsteed Community School, Denby.
All Things Local, in conjunction with the school has given the opportunity to one pupil to run their own regular column for the next 12 months.
Here is Sam's first editiorial contribution giving you an insight into what you can do to save the environment.

Global Warming is big news at the moment. Wherever you look there are articles and television programmes warning us of the dangers and tellig us we are destroying the world and that we are melting the icecaps. The only problem is that we don't know what to do to save the environment and this is the purpose of my first column, to tell you what you can do to help.

There are many things you can do in your home to save the planet and some money too! For instance, you can unplug any electrical appliances not being used regularly and check that other appliances such as computers and televisions are switched off properly and do not leave them on standby.

You can turn down your central heating in the winter and switch it off altogether in summer; set your refridgerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't preheat the oven if not necessary and use the microwave instead to cook and reheat small amounts of food. Only use the dishwasher when it is full and use a shorter cycle unless the dishes are really dirty. In your clothes washer, set the appropriate water level for the size of the load; wash in cold water when practical and try to wash at 30 degrees Celsius, and rinse in cold. Always make sure lights are turned off when you leave a room.

Recycling is another great way to save money and the environment. You can recycle most things nowadays and you should try to use the collection boxes for cadrboard and glass. Don't just throw your rubbish away - take it to the local tip instead and get it recycled there for free. They take clothes, garden waste and just about anything else you can think of.

You could walk or cycle the short distances you need to go - great for the environment and can keep you fit as well.

In our house we always try to turn off lights because if we don't my dad gets angry and starts saying it looks like Blackpool Illuminations; seems we have to live in the dark. I'm not sure whether he is thinking more about saving the environment or his bank balance! When my mum washes my clothes she always washes them at a low temperature unless it is my muddy football kit! We try to recycle cans, bottles and cardboard and make sure that the television is turned off and not just on standby. My mum and dad also try to walk everywhere.

As you can tell, there are many things you can do to help the environment and they are all quite simple and cheap to do. You should try to do these things, I mean it is our planet after all and it's not like there is another one we can borrow if we destroy ours so look after it and try to do something while there is still time.


Village edition - all things local
Belper Edition - All Things Local

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“ Hi, I don't normally write to magazine editors, but I thought you deserved to know that your magazine (Ripley Edition) is really, really good. Any other free paper / mag goes straight into the bin (then taken out and put into the recycling by my wife). Your mag has something about it that makes me read it cover to cover and then keep it handy until the next edition. Keep up the great work - you deserve to succeed. Cheers“

Steve, Ripley

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