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Friendship Blooms
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Issue 10 Village Edition - Bouquet goes to Sue Rawlings
tracie ann wood and sue rawlings

Show your appreciation for a friend, fellow member of the community or family member and surprise them with a fresh bouquet of flowers courtesy of All Things Local and The Flower Shop.

The recipient of this issue’s bouquet is Sue Rawlings of Kilburn. She was nominated by Mrs Tracie Anne Wood also from Kilburn. Here’s what Tracie had to say:

“I would like to nominate my friend Sue Rawlings of Kilburn to receive a bouquet of flowers. I am a mother of four and approximately five years ago when my youngest was three, I decided that I wanted more out of life, so I went back to college.

Sue supported me in this challenge and also collected my youngest from nursery. Three years ago, I found full time employment and now five years on Sue is still picking up my children. She is also like my Personal Secretary organising my family and keeping me sane.

A big thank you to Sue from me and my family.”

Nominating is easy. All you have to do is state in no more than 100 words who you are nominating, which area they live in and the reason’s why you are nominating them. The only rule is that the person receiving the flowers must live or work within the distribution area of All Things Local (listed on the cover). Just write your nomination on a piece of paper and post to Friendship Blooms, All Things Local, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA or email your nomination to putting Friendship Blooms as the subject. Please include your full name, address and telephone number on your nomination. Closing date for nominations for the next issue: Wednesday 31 December 2008

Closing date for nominations for the next issue: Wednesday 31st December 2008

Issue 2 Belper Edition - Bouquet goes to David Allan
david allan

Show your appreciation for a friend, fellow member of the community or family member and surprise them with a fresh bouquet of flowers courtesy of All Things Local and Alister Robinson from Lilac Floral Design & Hat Hire - Belper.

“I decided I wanted to give my very good friend David Allan from Belper the first ever Belper ‘Friendship Blooms bouquet. David, originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne was a massive help to me when I first launched my original magazine in June 2007. Since then, he has been a huge support and has even helped with distribution of the magazine (despite having had a knee replacement operation earlier this year). David is a true ambassador for Belper and likes to shop locally whenever possible. Thank you David, you’re brilliant!” Karyn Milner, Publisher, All Things Local.

Nominate someone to receive the next bouquet: All you have to do is state in no more than 100 words who you are nominating, their address and the reason’s why you are nominating them. You can nominate more than one person if they are living at the same address... and remember flowers don’t just have to be for women!

The only rule is that the person receiving the flowers must live or work in Belper. Just write your nomination on a piece of paper and post to Friendship Blooms, All Things Local, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA or email your nomination to putting Friendship Blooms as the subject. Please include your full name, address and telephone number on your nomination.

Closing date for nominations for the next issue: Wednesday 31 December 2008.

Village edition - all things local
Belper Edition - All Things Local

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Peter Waugh (Amber Feet)

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