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Upbeat - Combating Crime in the Neighbourhood
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Issue 8 - Nuisance behaviour and parking problems...
John Midgley - Police Community Support Officer

Your regular column about combating crime in the neighbourhood written by John Midgley (pictured) and Paula Johnson.

John is one of several Police Community Support Officers patrolling our communities. You'll find their contact numbers and names by clicking here.

Hello readers

We have previously mentioned KINS (Key Individual Networks) within this magazine. By the time you read this article a KIN panel meeting will have been held to discuss the priority profiles which we have been looking at over the last few months – these are:

Nuisance behaviour on The Walk park
Parking problems, causing obstructions on Chapel Street, Holbrook
Nuisance behaviour on Derby Road, Lower Kilburn
Littering outside One Stop store, Derby Road, Denby.

A new set of priority profiles will be shown in a future issue – the long term target is to solve problems completely.

We have had a number of lead thefts that have occurred in Kilburn, Horsley and Denby over recent months so this is something to be aware of and if you do see anything suspicious on your street then don’t hesitate to ring the Derbyshire Police number on 0845 123 33 33.

There has been a big increase in the theft of scrap metal. It is very popular at the moment. Thefts have recently occurred in Denby, Kilburn and Horsley Woodhouse. Again if you see anything suspicious on your street or know any information then don’t hesitate to ring the above number.

If you want to contact me regarding information about KINS, priority profiles or any questions then don’t hesitate to contact me on 07870 390155.

Any incidents, please ring 0845 123 33 33

Thank you John

A Note from Paula Johnson PCSO for Milford

Hello everyone

Please let me introduce myself to all those people who have not met me whilst on patrol round Milford, I am PCSO Paula Johnson. The Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) consists of myself, PC Darren Hiethus and two Special Constables, we patrol Milford on a daily basis allowing the SNT to build bridges in your community and also to be a re-assuring presence.
We work closely with the Pheonix Neighbourhood Watch whom keep us informed of any concerns and worries in your community.
Myself and the SNT are working with the local community to resolve issues in your area such as problem parking around Hopping Hill and Shaw Lane, speeding vehicles through Milford where the short stretch of 30 mph occurs. 
We hope that because of our presence around Milford, you can approach us with any issues or worries that may concern you. Milford is mainly a very low crime area and we would hope to keep it this way.
Thank you and take care

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