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Upbeat - Combating Crime in the Neighbourhood
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Issue 7 - Say hello to a new face...
Danny Smith - Police Community Support Officer

Your regular column about combating crime in the neighbourhood written by Danny Smith (pictured).

Danny is one of several Police Community Support Officers patrolling our communities. You'll find their contact numbers and names by clicking here.

Hello Readers

Unfortunately this will be my last article for All Things Local. PCSO 4561 John MIDGLEY (22) will be taking over and giving you crime prevention tips and advice - his first article will be in the next issue.

Danny Smith handing over to PCSO John Midgley
Danny hands over to John Midgley

I will be leaving the Kilburn Safer Neighbourhood Team at the end of May as I will be starting my new role as a Police Constable and will begin my training at Derbyshire Police headquarters at Ripley on the 9th June. I would like to thank all of the community for being so approachable and friendly. I will certainly be taking away happy memories from my time spent patrolling the streets in your communities.

As I have already mentioned, John Midgley is your new PCSO and he will carry on working in the community after I have left. John has been working with me in the Kilburn & surrounding area since 11 March and he has been getting to know the local area, the local problems and getting to know members of the public. John is a very approachable person and I urge you all when you see him out and about to go over and say “hello” and tell him of any local problems. John will be happy to help and take steps to solve any problems you have.

Like me, John is from Chesterfield. He studied at Chesterfield College and achieved a foundation degree in Travel. The only bad thing I can say about him is he is a Manchester United fan (ha-ha!).

For my last article I would like to talk about reducing the risk of your vehicle being subject to criminal damage. Over the past few months we have seen an increase in crimes relating to vehicles such as broken wing mirrors, scratched doors and snapped aerials. This also affects the quality of life for victims and can be quite costly so try and remember the following tips:

1.Park your car in a well lit area [preferably under a lamp post]
2.Park you car where you can easily see it through a window
3.If you see any groups hanging around your car or acting suspiciously then ring Derbyshire Police straight away

We have had quite a lot of cases in the area where this sort of crime is going unreported to the police. I would like to urge you all if you have been a victim of this sort of crime to please report it. Not only will it be investigated thoroughly it will also tell us what time, what day and where it occurred. There could be a pattern - we can then patrol the area at times when it is most likely to happen. It is so important that you do report it to us.

Again,thanks goes to everyone in the community who has made my time here so enjoyable and rewarding.


Village edition - all things local
Belper Edition - All Things Local

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Alex Robinson- personal trainer

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