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Upbeat - Combating Crime in the Neighbourhood
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Issue 6 - KIN's - from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams
Danny Smith - Police Community Support Officer

Your regular column about combating crime in the neighbourhood written by Danny Smith (pictured).

Danny is one of several Police Community Support Officers patrolling our communities. You'll find their contact numbers and names by clicking here.

Hello Readers,

I hope that your start to 2008 has been a good one. WIth regard to crime in the area, it has been very good with crime falling.

For this issue, I would loike to talk to you about KIN's. This is a force-wide initiative from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams. I am sure you are all wondering what does KIN's stand for? What do they do? And how does it affect me? Well I hope this article explains all.

Firstly KIN's stands for Key Individual Networks and this means people in the local community who want a say in how policing is done in their area. We take the details of people who are interested and put them on a secure database. From time to time we will contact them asking about specific problems in their area and where we should be policing

So far we have 100 KIN's for the Kilburn area and out of these, ten have formed a panel who meet every 3 months along with me and the Beat Police Officer PC 861 Mick Shaw.

Your Safer Neighbourhood Team [SNT] attends various engagements such as Coffee mornings, Parish Council meetings, youth groups and many more. When we attend these, we ask people what their concerns are in the area.

These vary from anti-social behaviour to speeding along roads. We then collect all the feedback and show the KIN panel and they efectively choose which areas we focus on and create something that is called a priority problem profile. (This may seem complex but it is really effective). From these profiles, we have help from the council and various other agencies to solve the problem completely as a long term target.

Our current priority problem profiles are: Nuisance behaviour on Church Street, Kilburn. Suspicious activity/nuisance behaviour at John Flamsteed Memorial Park, Denby Village. Parking problems causing obstructions, parking on pavement, on Chapel Street, Kilburn.

If you would like any more information about KIN's or priority profiles then please do not hesitate to contact me on 07870 390155 and remember you do not have to be a KIN to tell me where the problems are.

Thank you

Village edition - all things local
Belper Edition - All Things Local

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