Hi everyone.
First of all let us introduce ourselves. We are the new Belper Town area Safer Neighbourhood Police Team, which is made up of PC Barry Bacon, PC Julie Wreford and PCSO Steve Slater. We will be working with the local community to address local issues within the Belper Town area. This will be through working with the local community and developing local contacts to resolve local issues which matter to you.
We are currently monitoring problems regarding nuisance behaviour in both the Gregorys Way area and the Mill Lane area as well as speeding in various areas in Belper, as reported to us by members of the public. If anybody is found underage drinking, causing nuisance problems and disturbances, they will be dealt with appropriately. We have also made numerous speed gun checks on the area to combat the problem of speeding on local roads, and we will continue to do so. We need your help to combat these problems. If you witness any incidents, please do not hesitate to call us on 0845 123 3333 to report any issues.
On Wednesday 29th October 2008, we had a hugely successful groundbreaking motorcycle rider education day at Belper School in which the local youth experienced first hand the responsibilities of owning and operating a moped. Particular emphasis was placed upon road safety and the dangers of irresponsible riding. This was the first event of its type held in Derbyshire and owing to its success is sure to be repeated.
Following on from this, Derbyshire Police Speedwatch Campaign is in full swing. The aim of this is to discourage dangerous driving with the help and assistance of voluntary members of your community. Members of the public will not be able to stop drivers but those who are caught and identified, will be sent warning letters by the Police. Officers would accompany volunteers whilst out and about in the identified areas. If anyone is interested in participating in this scheme, please contact us on the non-emergency number and we will aim to develop the scheme in the Belper Town area.
Thanks for reading, and watch this space for further exciting developments.
Have a very happy Christmas and a peaceful start to 2009.
Barry, Steve and Julie
Belper Safer Neighbourhood Team

(L to R) - PC Barry Bacon and PCSO Steven Slater